Friday 2 February 2007


After much soul searching, I have decided to begin a blog. I am hoping it will raise interesting thoughts, open up areas for reflection, and provoke others to think. And perhaps, in God's grace, it may even turn out to be useful.



Anonymous said...
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byron smith said...

Welcome to blogdom and the land of endless procrastination that you can count as work.

Matthew Moffitt said...

Well done on taking the plunge. I look forward to visiting regularly.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on succumbing to the Dark Side, Erro!

Martin Kemp said...

You're linking to fulcrum?! Now there's some colours nailed to the mast!!! ;-) Looking forward to reading.

Meredith said...

i've secretly been hoping you'd start a blog. so thanks :-)

Annette said...

hey andrew, so glad you've got a blog, i expect everything you write here to radically transform the way i think about everything... or not, i'll still read it cause you're my friend!! and i like bonnie lots. also, i read plenty of stuff that isn't "useful" (like that mx newspaper on the train) but would nevertheless be good if your blog did turn out to be useful then my useful:unuseful ratio would be boosted on the more useful side. fantastic. Anyway, i wish you all the best in this new enterprise, don't take it too seriously, i'm sure the gum-trees will be ok. tho i am not very well informed on environmental issues. tho i think you're talking about eschatalogical issues there yes.... ok, so can you get bonnie to post a message saying hi to me. thanks.